联系方式:E- mail: hqwang@usc.edu.cn, hqwang2001cn@126.com
王宏青,男,1967年生,湖南衡山人,博士,二级教授,博士生导师,澳大利亚Monash University访问学者,中国核学会锕系化学会理事,中国辐射防护学会环境放射化学专业委员常务理事,湖南省化学化工学会副理事长,湖南省盐卤化工联盟副理事长,国家自然基金“核技术创新联合基金”会评专家,现任公司党委书记,国际著名刊物Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Environmental Pollution、Talanta、Spectrochimica Acta Part A等审稿专家。主要从事功能材料及分子识别与分离方面教学与科研工作。主持国家自然基金面上项目4项、湖南省省市联合基金1项、湖南自然科学基金2项、湖南省教育厅重点与青年项目各1项;获衡阳市科技进步二等和三等奖各1项。在Environmental Science & Technology,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Chemical Engineering Journal,Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical,TRAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry,Journal of Cleaner Production等国内外知名学术刊物发表学术论文90余篇,其中高被引论文3篇,被SCI收录70篇,获得发明专利5件,出版专著1部,编写出版教材2部,指导研究生获得湖南省优秀硕士论文5人。获得威廉希尔williamhill中文第二届“我心目中的好导师”称号。
1986/09-1990/06, 华中师范大学,化学系,本科/学士
2.2009/10-2010/09,Monash University (Australia), 访问学者
5.1993/07-1995/12,湖南化工研究院, 助理研究员
2.2002.1-2004.12, 线粒体呼吸抑制剂的合成与构效关系, 国家自然基金 (No. 20101001),第三参与者。经费 22万元;
3.2004.01-2006.12, 基于烟碱乙酰胆碱酶受体(nAchR)的新型含吡啶基光学活性有机磷化合物的设计、合成及其生物活性研究,国家自然基金( No. 20302002), 第三参与者。 经费 23万元
4.2005.1-2005.12,基于新型黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制剂的的设计、合成和构效关系研究。农业部农药化学与应用技术重点开放实验室课题,主持,经费2.0 万元;
5.2005.01-2007.12具有生物活性的二氢-吡唑并[3,4-d][1,2,4]三唑并[1,5-a]嘧啶衍生物的合成与构效关系研究,湖南省自然基金项,目编号为No. 05JJ30022。主持,经费2.0万元;
6.2006.01-2008.12 具有光学活性的新型乙酰辅酶A羧化酶抑制剂的微波构建及其研究,湖南省教育厅青年项目, (06B081) 主持,经费1.5万元;
7.2007.01—2009.12 xxx 系统安全工程能力评价研究,原国防科技工业委员会项目,参与,经费 80万元;
8.2010.01—2012.12 基于吡唑衍生物的Th(IV)离子表面印迹聚合物的制备及对钍的识别机理研究, 湖南省自然基金项目( 10JJ6025),主持,经费 2万元;
9. 2012.01—2015.12 Th(IV)双配体磁性受体的制备、识别机制和分析方法,国家自然科学基金(No. 11175080),主持,经费65万元;
10. 2012.01—2014.12 线形芳酰胺聚合物的合成及性能,国家自然科学基金,(No.21104031), 第二参与人;
11. 2013.01—2015.12 β双酮类Schiff碱Th(IV)印迹荧光传感器的制备、性能及钍的三维荧光二阶分析,湖南省教育厅重点项目(12A117), 主持,经费6万元;
12.2013.01—2015.12 基于配位作用磁性钍识别体的制备和性能,威廉希尔williamhill中文归国留学人员启动基金(No.2011XQD15), 主持,经费4万元;
15.2019.01—2021.12高活性双重靶向近红外荧光探针的设计合成及对酶类标志物检测性能研究,国家自然基金 (No.11804146),第二参与,经费25万。
16.2022.01—2025.12 g-C3N4类光催化材料的设计与制备及其对176Yb/177Lu的分离性能与机理,国家自然基金(No.22176084),主持, 60万元.
17.2024.01-2027.12 2D-TMDS材料设计制备及其压电-光协同催化还原U(VI)的性能与机理,国家自然基金 (No. 22376091),主持,50.00万元。
1.Feng He, Qianxiang Xiao, Yin Chen, Hongqing, Wang,*, Xiangke Wang, Synergistic Reduction of U(VI) and Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol to Prepare Benzaldehyde via WOx/g-C3N4, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 343 (2024) 123525 (中科院 一区,IF=26.2 TOP 期刊)
2.Wen He, Zhenglemei Qiu , Qunying Sun , Zhouzhou Li , Zhuting Chen , Lijun Hu*, Hongqing Wang *, Amidoxime-functionalized hollow 2D-COFs for uranium separation, Separation and Purification Technology 331 (2024) 125620(中科院 一区,IF=8.6 TOP 期刊)
3.Yun Liao, Ruilin Lei, Guoxing Chen, Chengjin Shen, Zihang Mei, Jihao Zhao, Yiting Qu, Meng Wang*, Hongqing Wang* Efficient U(VI) capture co-driven by multiple synergistic mechanisms in an advanced asymmetrical photoelectrocatalytic system,Applied Surface Science, 654 (2024) 159482(中科院 二区,IF=6.7)
4.Qi Xin, Qingliang Wang , Kaiwen Luo, Zhiwu Lei, Eming Hu, Hongqing Wang, Hongqiang Wang , Carbohydrate Polymers, 324 (2024) 121576 (中科院 一区,IF=11.2 TOP 期刊)
5.Yu Zhang , Qixu Chen, Qianxiang Xiao ,**, Lang Shi , Zheng Zhao , Hongqing Wang*,Enhancement of CdS resistance to photocorrosion and photocatalytic removal of uranyl by complexation with N-deficient g-C3N4under aerobic conditions,Chemosphere, 2023,335 :139022 (中科院 二区,IF=8.943 TOP)
6.Lijun Hu *, Zhichao Ding , Fei Yan , Yi-Meng Du , Qianxiang Xiao *, Hongqing Wang * Inhibition of superoxide radical diffusion by Van der Waals forces for boosting photocatalytic H2O2 production, Applied Surface Science, 638 (2023) 158135 (中科院 一区,TOP, IF=6.7 )
7.Zixuan Zhao , Qinghua Hu **, Wenjuan Liu , Xuerui Xiong , Zhiyong Wang , Hongqing Wang *, A smartphone-available colorimetric and near-infrared fluorescence sensor for trace amounts of water detection in highly polar organic solvents, Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 213: 111186 (中科院 二区,IF=5.12 TOP)
8.Yun Liao, Ruilin Lei , Xiaofang Weng , Chuan Yan , Jiaxi Fu , Guoxing Wei , Chen Zhang , Meng Wang ,* Hongqing Wang,* Uranium capture by a layered 2D/2D niobium phosphate/holey graphene architecture via an electro-adsorption and electrocatalytic reduction coupling process, Journal of Hazardous Materials, ,442 (2023) 130054(中科院 一区 TOP,IF= 14.224 )
9.Jiali Gan , Lieyu Zhang, Qingliang Wang, Qi Xin, Eming Hu, Zhiwu Lei, Hongqing Wang, Hongqiang Wang*,Synergistic action of multiple functional groups enhanced uranium extraction from seawater of porous phosphorylated chitosan/coal-based activated carbon composite sponge,Desalination ,545 (2023) 116154(中科院二区, TOP, IF= 11.211 )
10.Yuehuan Li , Lang Shi, Yu Mao, Yu Zhang , Hong-Qing Wang*, Efficient reduction of uranyl under aerobic conditions by sodium and potassium co-doped carbon nitride, Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,446: 136872 (中科院 一区, IF= 16.4 )
11.Xiaoyi Tang, Siyi Wang , Zhihui Zhang , Zijie Li*, Lin Wang , Liyong Yuan, Bairong Wang, Jian Sun, Lirong Zheng, Hongqing Wang*, Weiqun Shi*,Graphene oxide/chitosan/potassium copper hexacyanoferrate(II) composite aerogel for efficient removal of cesium,Chemical Engineering Journal,2022, 136397(4月11号)(中科院 一区, IF= 16.4 ,Top )
12.Wen He, Yongbo Xie, Qiang Yin, Zixuan Zhao, Lang Shi and Hongqing Wang*, A new “on–off–on” g-C3N4 nanosheets fluorescent sensor for 5-Br-PADAP and Co2+ under acidic conditions, New J. Chem. 2022, DOI: 10.1039/d1nj03492h
13.Zi-Rong Ye, Qun-Yan Wu,* Cong-Zhi Wang, Jian-Hui Lan, Zhi-Fang Chai, Hong-Qing Wang,* and Wei-Qun Shi*,Theoretical Insights into the Selective Separation of Am(III)/Eu(III) Using Hydrophilic Triazolyl-Based Ligands,Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 6110−6119,(中科院 二区,TOP, IF= 5.821 )
14.Shiyu Wang, Guo Wei, Yinghui Xie, Hailin Shang, Zhongshan Chen, Hongqing Wang*, Hui Yang, Geoffery I.N. Waterhouse, Xiangke Wang*, Constructing nanotraps in covalent organic framework for uranium sequestration, Separation and Purification Technology (中科院一区 TOP,IF=9.136), 303 (2022) 122256
15.Lijun Hu,* Zhichao Ding, Fei Yan, Kuan Li , Li Feng and Hongqing Wang ,* Construction of Hexagonal Prism-like Defective BiOCL Hierarchitecture for Photocatalytic Degradation of Tetracycline Hydrochloride,Nanomaterials , 2022, 12, 2700. https:// doi.org/10.3390/nano12152700 (中科院二区, IF=5.719)
16.Bing Liu, Wenbin Cui, Jianliang Zhou and Hongqing Wang,* A Novel Triphenylamine-Based Flavonoid Fluorescent Probe with High Selectivity for Uranyl in Acid and High Water Systems,Sensors, 2022, 22, 6987.(IF=3.847,中科院3区)
17.Zi-Rong Ye, Qun-Yan Wu,* Cong-Zhi Wang, Jian-Hui Lan, Zhi-Fang Chai, Hong-Qing Wang, and Wei-Qun Shi*, Theoretical Insights into the Separation of Am(III)/Eu(III) by Hydrophilic Sulfonated Ligands, Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 16409−16419 (中科院一区, IF= 5.821)
18.Dongyuan Wang, Qiang Yin, Ming Zheng, Yongbo Xie , Wen He, Zheng Li, Sanying Hou, Hongqing Wang* , Fluorescent sensor based on triphenylamine for Zn2+ with high selectivity and imaging in living cells, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021,251: 119480 (中科院 二区, IF= 2.536)
19.Ming Zheng, Qiang Yin, Dongyuan Wang, Zixuan Zhao, Qinghua Hu, Hongqing Wang,* A fluorescent probe of uranyl for acid and high water system and imaging in living cells, Microchemical Journal, 2021, 167: 106302(中科院 二区,IF= 4.821 )
20.Qinghua Hu,Wenfeng Zhang, Qiang Yin, Yuyuan Wang, Hongqing Wang*,A conjugated fluorescent polymer sensor with amidoxime and polyfluorene entities for effective detection of uranyl ion in real samples,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2021,244:118864-118874(中科院,二区,高被引)
21.Weini Zhou, Hongqing Wang* , Sanying Hou, shiyu Wang, Preparation of Fe3O4@SiO2@MnO2 microspheres as an adsorbent for Th(IV) removal from aqueous solution, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , 2021, 329:253–263
22.Xumeng Wu, Yu Mao, Dongyuan Wang, Qiuxiang Huang, Qiang Yin, Ming Zheng, Qinghua Hu, Hongqing Wang*,Designing a colorimetric sensor containing nitrogen and oxygen atoms for uranyl ions identification: Chromatic mechanism, binding feature and onsite application, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2020, 307 :127681 (中科院一区,IF=6.393).
23.Pengcheng Zhang, Lin Wang,*, Ke Du, Siyi Wang, Zhiwei Huang, Liyong Yuan, Zijie Li, Hongqing Wang*, Lirong Zheng, Zhifang Chai, Weiqun Shi*,Effective removal of U(VI) and Eu(III) by carboxyl functionalized MXene nanosheets,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020,396: 122731-122739(中科院 一区,IF= 7.91,高被引 )
24.Pengcheng Zhang, Lin Wang, Zhiwei Huang, Jipan Yu, Zijie Li, Hao Deng, Taiqi Yin, Liyong Yuan, John K. Gibson, Lei Mei, Lirong Zheng, Hongqing Wang, Zhifang Chai, Weiqun Shi*. Aryl Diazonium-Assisted Amidoximation of MXene for Boosting Water Stability and Uranyl Sequestration via Electrochemical Sorption[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 13, 15579-15587.(中科院一区,IF =8.456).
25.Qinghua Hu*, Qiuxiang Huang , Kexin Liang , Yuyuan Wang , Yu Mao , Qiang Yin , Hongqing Wang*,An AIE-TICT activated colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent sensor for portable, rapid, and selective detection of phosgene,Dyes and Pigments, 2020, 176: 108229 (中科院二区,IF=4.018).
26.Zhimei Wang, Di Zhang, Xilin Xiao*,Changlin Su, Zhiyang Li, Jinhua Xue, Nan Hua*, Pengcheng Peng, Lifu Liao, Hongqing Wang*,A highly sensitive and selective sensor for trace uranyl (VI) ion based on a graphene-coated carbon paste electrode modified with ion imprinted polymer,Microchemical Journal,2020, 155: 104767(中科院 二区,IF=4.82)
27.宋文杰,钟宇科,王宏青*,石伟群*。在LiCl熔盐中直接电还原制备钕硅合金。中国科学:化学(SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica),2020, 50(03):377-383.
28.宋环,王琳,王宏青*,石伟群*,碱化Ti3C2Tx MXene 对Eu(III)高效去除与机理研究,无机材料学报,2020, 35(01):65-72.
29.Bo Liu, Yanhong Tan, Qinghua Hu, Yuyuan Wang, Yu Mao, Peng Tao, Hongqing Wang*,A new ratiometric and colorimetric fluorescent Th4+ probe under extreme acidity and cell imaging,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2019, 296, 126675- 126682 (中科院1区,IF=6.393).
30.Xumeng Wu, Qiuxiang Huang, Yu Mao, Xiangxue Wang, Yuyuan Wang, Qinghua Hu, Hongqing Wang*, Xiangke Wang*, Sensors for Determination of Uranium: A Review,TRAC-Trends in analytical chemistry, 2019, 118,89-111 (中科院一区,IF=8.428)
31.王宁,庞宏伟,于淑君,顾鹏程,宋爽,王宏青*,王祥科*。层状双金属氢氧化物及复合材料对放射性元素铀的吸附及机理研究,Acta Chim. Sinica,2019, 77, 143-152 (中科院3区,IF=2.463).
32.Qinghua Hu, Qiuxiang Huang, Yu Mao, Xinlin Liu, Fangrong Tan, Yuyuan Wang, Qiang Yin, Xumeng Wu, Hongqing Wang*, A near-infrared large Stokes shift probe based enhanced ICT strategy for F- detection in real samples and cell imaging, Tetrahedron, 2019, 75:130762-130771 (中科院二区,IF =2.379).
33.Lin Wang, Huan Song,Liyong Yuan, Zijie Li, Peng Zhang, John K. Gibson, Lirong Zheng, Hongqing Wang, Zhifang Chai and Weiqun Shi*, Environ. Sci. Technol, 2019, 53, 3739−3747 (中科院一区,IF =7.149)
34.Dongxu Yang, Xiangxue Wang, Ning Wang, Guixia Zhao **, Gang Song, Diyun Chen, Yu Liang, Tao Wen, Hongqing Wang***, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi, Xiangke Wang**** , Suhua Wang*,In-situ growth of hierarchical layered double hydroxide on polydopamine-encapsulated hollow Fe3O4 microspheres for efficient removal and recovery of U(VI),Journal of Cleaner Production,2018, 172: 2033-2044 (中科院一区,IF=6.395).(高被引论文)
35.Ning Wang, Dongxu Yang, Xiangxue Wang, Shujun Yu, Hongqing Wang,* Tao Wen, Gang Song, Zhimin Yu and Xiangke Wang*,Highly efficient Pb(II) and Cu(II) removal using hollow Fe3O4@PDA nanoparticles with excellent application capability and reusability, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 2174-2182 (中科院 二区,IF=4.773)
36.Fenfen Zhou, Hongqing Wang*, Pengying Liu, Qinghua Hu, Yuyuan Wang, Can Liu, Jiangke Hu, A highly selective and sensitive quinoline schiff-base reversible probe for aluminum(Ⅲ) ion spectral studies and cell imaging, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2018, 190:104-110 (中科院二区,IF =2.931).
37.Dongxu Yang, Shuang Song, Yidong Zou, Xiangxue Wang, Shujun Yu, Tao Wen, Hongqing Wang*, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi, Xiangke Wang*, Rational design and synthesis of monodispersed hierarchical SiO2@layered double hydroxide nanocomposites for efficient removal of pollutants from aqueous solution, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 323: 143-152(中科院一区,IF =8.355).
38.Dongxu Yang , Xiangxue Wang, Gang Song , Guixia Zhao, Zhe Chen , Shujun Yu, Pengcheng Gua, Hongqing Wang*, Xiangke Wang*, One-pot synthesis of arginine modified hydroxyapatite carbonmicrosphere composites for efficient removal of U(VI) from aqueous solutions, Science Bulletin, 2017,62: 1609–1618(中科院一区,IF =6.277).
39.Shulin Zheng, Hongqing Wang*, Qinghua Hu, Yuyuan Wang, Jiangke Hu, Fenfen Zhou, Pengying Liu, “Turn-On” fluorescent chemosensor based on β-diketone for detecting Th4+ ions in Aqueous Solution and application in living cell imaging, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 253: 766–772(中科院一区,IF=6.393).
40.Zou, Yidong; Wang, Xiangxue; Wu, Fen; Yu, Shujun; Hu, Yezi; Song, Wencheng; Liu*, Yunhai; Wang, Hongqing; Hayat, Tasawar; Wang*, Xiangke, Controllable Synthesis of Ca-Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides and Calcined Layered Double Oxides for the Efficient Removal of U(VI) from Wastewater Solutions, Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2017,5(1):1173-1185(中科院一区,IF=6.97)
41.Wang, Jian; Yao, Wen; Gu, Pengcheng; Yu, Shujun; Wang, Xiangxue; Du, Yi; Wang, Hongqing; Chen, Zhongshan; Hayat, Tasawar; Wang, Xiangke*, Efficient coagulation of graphene oxide on chitosan-metal oxide composites from aqueous solutions, CELLULOSE , 2017,24(2):851-861(中科院二区,IF=3.917)
42.Xie, Rui*; Wang, Xiaofeng; Peng, Guowen; Xie, Tian;Zhang, Dou;Zhou, Kechao; Huang, Guoji;Wang, Guoping; Wang, Hongqing, A modified gelcasting approach to fabricate microscale randomized 1-3 piezoelectric arrays, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 2017,43(1): 144-148(中科院二区,IF=3.45)
43.Aoheng Luo, Hongqing Wang*, Qiao Huang, Qin Zhang, A novel colorimetric and turn-on fluorescent chemosensor for iron(III) ion detection and its application to cellular imaging, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2016, 168(5): 37–44.(中科院二区,IF=2.931)
44.Shujun Yu, Xiangxue Wang, Zhongshan Chen, Xiaoli Tan, Hongqing Wang, Jun Hu, Ahmed Alsaedi, Njud S. Alharbi, Wei Guo,Xiangke Wang*, Interaction mechanism of radionickel on Na-montmorillonite: Influences of pH, electrolyte cations, humic acid and temperature, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302: 77–85(中科院一区,IF =8.355).
45.Wang, Xiangxue; Yu, Shujun; Jin, Jie; Wang, Hongqing; Alharbi, Njud S.; Alsaedi, Ahmed; Hayat, Tasawar; Wang*, Xiangke, Application of graphene oxides and graphene oxide-based nanomaterials in radionuclide removal from aqueous solutions, SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2016,61(20): 1583-1593.(中科院一区,IF =6.277).
46.Yidong Zou, Xiangxue Wang, Yuejie Ai,Yunhai Liu,Yongfei Ji, Hongqing Wang, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi, Wenping Hu and Xiangke Wang*, b-Cyclodextrin modified graphitic carbon nitride for the removal of pollutants from aqueous solution: experimental and theoretical calculation study, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 14170-14179(中科院一区,IF =10.733).
1.王宏青,伍徐孟,黄秋香,尹强,王榆元,胡清华,一种PADAP衍生物、其制备方法及应用,中国专利,专利号: ZL 2020 1 0243455.1
2.王宏青,罗傲恒,黄乔,张勤,一种聚苯乙烯Hg2+荧光识别材料及其制备方法,中国专利,专利号: ZL 201510212506.3
3.王宏青,谭艳红,刘波,王榆元,伍徐孟,一种基于联二萘酚衍生物Th4+荧光识别材料及其制备方法和应用 中国专利,专利号: ZL 2017 1 1422251.9
4.王宏青,伍徐孟,王东源,黄秋香,王榆元,胡清华,2-(5-溴-2-吡啶偶氮)-5-二乙氨基酚衍生物其制备方法及应用,中国专利,专利号: ZL 2018 1 1426845.1
5.胡清华,王宏青,黄秋香,刘波,谭芳容,谭艳红,一种比率型荧光探针及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,专利号: ZL 2019 1 0280274.3